Veronica was working as a supervisor at a very busy factory. This required her to be out on the floor for numerous hours throughout the day. After being out on the floor for several hours, Veronica would start to notice pain on the left side of her buttock. Over time that pain turned into a burning sensation and started to move down her left leg as well. The amount of time she could be out on the floor was getting shorter and shorter. Until her buttock and leg pain was so bad she could not be on the floor at work at all. It was time for her to do something.

After seeing a commercial for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and the DRS Protocol®™ she decided she needed to call and schedule an appointment. When finding out that she could receive help from Dr. Busch and his staff she knew it was what she had to do. She started treatment immediately.

About a week after starting treatment,  Veronica started to notice changes in the way she felt. She was able to work on the floor again for several hours before her leg and buttock pain would start. After another week she was able to be on the floor even longer before having pain. Not only that the pain was less intense when she did have it. She was feeling better with every treatment! Because of the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and the DRS Protocol®™, she has been able to do her job the way she had for years.