After a year of increasing low back pain Melissa had decided to go to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center. She had been under the treatment of another chiropractor getting adjustments on a weekly basis with no improvement in her pain. Eventually her family physician referred her to a pain management specialist. She was then put on steroids for two weeks for inflammation in her back but again, this did not treat the problem. Her pain in her low back had returned.

Melissa had been seeing commercials for the clinic when it had become apparent to her that she was doing was not helping. At the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center, Melissa had a complete examination of her condition and was recommended for the DRS Protocol®™. After one treatment she noticed a difference. Her pain had become less intense. Several treatments later her range of motion had improved. Her pain was also pretty much gone.

She now has her life back. Melissa would recommend the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and the DRS Protocol®™ to any one suffering from low back pain.