Mark’s only daughter got engaged! Everyone in the family was thrilled and began planning for the big day. Mark, however, was in tears every night thinking he was not going to be able to dance with his little girl on the big day. The numbness in his feet made it hard for him to walk without his cane, determined to have that dance he decided to visit his family doctor. She told him he had Neuropathy and there wasn’t anything that could be done about it and prescribed medication.

Mark began taking medication to control the symptoms but found little to no relief from the constant numbness. He was concerned he would be in a wheel chair soon. He saw in the paper one morning for the Neuropathy Protocol™ seminar and called right away.  After attending the seminar he made an appointment and began treatment in just a couple days. Mark began to notice improvements.  As his daughter’s wedding day drew closer, his sadness had turned into excitement and on her big day he was able to walk his little girl down the aisle and give her that dance she dreamed about for so long. Mark is so grateful for the Busch Chiropractic Center for giving him his life back!