MaryAnn spent her adult life focusing on her family. She had four children, all two years apart. Her days were spent making breakfast, getting the kids off to school, fixing them snacks for their arrival after school , doing homework, running to sporting events and recitals. She enjoyed every moment she spent with her husband and kids.

As the years went on her children got older, went off to college, married and began having children of their own.

Through the years MaryAnn would have occasional lumbar pain and spasms. However, as her children were her priority she always let the pain slip to the wayside and never confronted the issue. She unfortunately let the pain get to such a severe level that her doctor referred her to a surgeon as he said there was nothing else he could do. She could no longer pick her grandchildren up and spent quality time with her family as her low back pain prevented her from doing these things.

MaryAnn knew she did not want to have surgery, she continuously saw advertisements for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center regarding the DRS Protocol®™ and the relief the treatment offered for low back pain. One day, she finally made the call and set up an initial consultation. During her examination and final consultation Dr. Busch informed her she had degenerative disc disease and that she was indeed a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™.

After completing her treatment program, MaryAnn is now able to get on the floor and play with her grandchildren, go to sporting events, and truly spend quality time with her family. She is so glad she made the decision to come to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center, it has truly changed her life.