Sabrina was raised as a Baptist; she attended church every Sunday and Wednesday. She thoroughly enjoyed attending worship services and spending time with the congregation. In her mid- twenties Sabrina met Charles, a pastor of Hope Baptist Church. They soon were married and spent their time growing their church and serving their community.

As Sabrina had children of her own she became very involved with the youth at the church. She started small groups, worship services, and planned outings for the kids. She was extremely active and always on the go with her responsibilities.

Sabrina had begun having neck pain roughly 2 years ago. However, with her busy schedule she always put the pain off and said she would deal with it later. However, one day the pain became excruciating and she could hardly move her head from side to side. A member of their church recommended the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center, as they had helped him with his low back pain. Sabrina was able to set up an appointment that same week and was evaluated by Dr. Busch. She was told she had a herniated disc and that she was in fact a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™.

Sabrina felt significant relief from the treatments, and was continuously having less and less pain. She noticed she was able to become more active in the church again. She was even sleeping better at night and could tell her mood had improved. She can’t praise Jesus enough for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center.