When Gary first presented to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center with low back pain and leg pain he was unable to ride in a car, walk or stand for any length of time. He would have to stop 3 times during the hour drive to the clinic because of the pain he was in. Once he had arrived to the clinic he would have to lay down and stretch to alleviate his pain before he could start treatment. At home he would have to lie on his floor with his feet up on the couch just to be comfortable. All of this made it very difficult for his profession that required him to drive for several hours at a time.

At the beginning of his treatments his pain was very intense and he was very discouraged about where he was at and how he was not living his life. After beginning the DRS Protocol®™, he was starting to have some relief. He was able to stop less often during his drive to the clinic. He no longer had to stretch before he could start his treatment. His outlook on returning back to work and his life was changing as well, he was getting excited about going back to work.

Today, Gary is virtually pain free after completing the DRS Protocol®™. He has returned back to work and is able to drive without the pain he had before. His life at home has returned back to normal, he no longer has to lie on his floor to be comfortable.