Rick was a very active person in his community. He volunteered frequently, helped at his church and liked to teach at the local college. This required him to be on his feet for long periods of time. When he started to have low back pain and numbness in his feet it affected his balance and while walking, he could not feel the ground below his feet. He had to stop volunteering his time.

Every night was the same for Rick. He would have to roll his feet in ice to get even some mild relief from the pain. Doctors had told him there was nothing they could do for his neuropathy and he would have to live that way for the rest of his life. He knew that would not be possible and he had to find help so he could return to the things he loved.

After seeing an advertisement Rick decided to call the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center to book a consultation appointment. He was apprehensive when first coming to the clinic but when he was told that there was help out there for him he was optimistic.  After beginning the DRS Protocol®™ and Neuropathy Protocol™ he began to have less back pain and his numbness was decreasing in intensity. He was having nights where he did not have to use ice to alleviate the pain in his feet.

To this day Rick says calling the Busch Chiropractic Clinic was the best decision he had ever made. He is pain free in his low back and has zero numbness in his feet. Standing and walking no longer causes him pain and he can feel the ground below his feet. He has been able to volunteer his time at his church again and he has been teaching regularly at the college. He is living life again!