Julie works as a dental assistant for a fast paced dentist office. She is constantly on her feet and walking for up to 10 hours a day. After her shift, her feet began burning; tingling, swelling, and she would have cramping throughout the night in her feet. She found herself bringing three pairs of shoes with her into work just to get through the day. She knew her feet shouldn’t feel like that since she had been working those hours for 5 years without any pain. She called her doctor, after running several tests he told her she had Neuropathy and referred her to a Neurologist who prescribed several medications and muscle relaxers to help with the pain.

Julie found no relief and hated being on so many medications. After a co-worker told her about the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center she was relieved that there was another option for her Neuropathy pain. After beginning treatment with the Neuropathy Protocol™, Julie began to notice she would have less burning and tingling and was no longer changing her shoes throughout the day. Today, Julie is pain free and she is no longer waking up throughout the night with cramping in her feet. She is so grateful for Dr. Busch and the Neuropathy Protocol™!