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Catherine is able to ride a bike and be active again thanks to the DRS Protocol

Catherine and her husband Phillip were avid bikers. They would bike trails together, with friends, as well as compete in races close to their home. She loved to be active and live a healthy lifestyle together with Phillip.

Over the years Catherine began to notice she was unable to bike for long periods of time or as fast as she was able to in the past. She would have numbness, tingling, and cramping in her feet and legs. Catherine would soak her feet and took medications to help alleviate these symptoms. However, they never had a long lasting effect.

One day while watching television Catherine saw an advertisement for the Busch Chiropractic Center regarding their Neuropathy Protocol™, so she called that day and was able to get an appointment for the following afternoon to have a thorough examination with Dr. Busch.

After beginning the Neuropathy Protocol™ Catherine noticed her neuropathy symptoms began to decrease. She is now pain free and is able to ride bikes with Phillip and their friends and enjoy this activity again.

in General

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