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Sarah no longer suffers from her herniated disc thanks to the DRS Protocol

Sarah’s annual girls shopping trip was approaching fast. It was the one thing she looked forward to every year. It was a weekend filled with shopping, laughing and great memories with her very best friends. She was a little concerned because the last year she has been having pain in her lower back and right leg and this has made doing any activity for long periods of time virtually impossible. She can’t recall injuring herself but she has pain almost every day, especially if she is on her feet a lot. She had seen her family doctor and had even been to her chiropractor. She was afraid to take the pain pills from her family doctor and the treatments she had received from her chiropractor never seemed to give her lasting relief. One morning, while she was watching television, she saw a program about the Busch Chiropractic Center. She called first thing the next morning and made an appointment. This is the first time she actually had a diagnosis for all of her pain. Sarah was suffering from a herniated disc in the lower back. Sarah was very pleased to find out that her condition could be treated with the DRS Protocol®™ and she could live a pain free life again. Sarah started treatment right away! After just a few treatments with the DRS Protocol®™, she was feeling better. Sarah was also able to go on her trip with her friends and actually be pain free! It has now been two years since Sarah treated with the DRS Protocol®™ and she remains pain free.

in General

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