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Katrina no longer suffers from a herniated disc thanks to The DRS Protocol

Katrina had been suffering from spasms in her lower back for almost a year. She was at the point where just walking through her house would cause her to have spasms. Along with the spasms, she would have stiffness and soreness in her lower back but the spasms were more of a concern for her. She blamed it on over forty years of running a lawn care business. Katrina knew that If she wanted to continue her business, she would have to find help somewhere.

During lunch one day, she was reading the paper when she came across a questionnaire about back pain from The Busch Chiropractic Center.  When she saw that she was suffering from more than half of the symptoms listed, she knew she needed to see Dr. Busch.  She called and set an appointment to be evaluated the next day. After her very extensive exam with Dr. Busch, Katrina found out that she was suffering from a herniated disc in her lower back. She was also told that she was a perfect candidate for The DRS Protocol®™.

When she began her treatment, she noticed improvement early and continued improving each week. Her spasms were happening less often and they were not as intense as they use to be. Along with her pain decreasing, Katrina’s mobility and muscle strength increased. She is back to her lawn care business and using the riding mower without suffering from any pain. Katrina is thankful for The Busch Chiropractic Center and The DRS Protocol®™.  She doesn’t know how she went all that time without them!

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