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Carolyn’s herniated disc is pain free with the DRS Protocol

Carolyn was a bus driver on a special needs bus. This required her to bend, lift and twist a lot daily. She loved her job and the children that she transported, but she was starting to think that she should start looking for a new career. Over the years, Carolyn started to develop very painful symptoms that were decreasing her quality of life. One day, when she started getting numbness in her arms and hands, she knew it was time to seek professional help. Carolyn went to her family doctor who recommended that she have an MRI to see exactly what the problem was. Well Carolyn soon found out that she had a herniated disc in her cervical spine. Her doctor recommended that she take some time off of work and do physical therapy. Carolyn was very upset by this news! With two young children at home, she really could not afford to take time off of work. After weeks of contemplating this, she decided to follow her doctor’s recommendations and to her surprise, she was actually getting well. Carolyn was able to return to work and immediately when she did, all her pain and symptoms returned. This really depressed Carolyn and she decided it was time to return to her family doctor. This time he sent her to a pain management clinic and they prescribed her pain medications and set her up for a surgery. Carolyn was not thrilled to have surgery as she had known numerous people that had surgeries on discs that were unsuccessful. Carolyn decided that it was time to make yet another appointment with her family doctor to discuss her concerns about having surgery. Carolyn was very lucky that she made this appointment when she did! Her family doctor had just seen another patient that had a similar condition and the patient told the doctor about a treatment that she had at the Busch Chiropractic Center that alleviated all of her pain and symptoms. Carolyn’s doctor shared this information with her and she immediately called to make an appointment. Carolyn was very pleased to learn that she too could be pain free by using the DRS Protocol®™! She began treatment immediately and noticed almost immediate relief of her symptoms. After completing the DRS Protocol®™, she decided it was time to stop in and see her family doctor and let him know that she was also pain and symptom free. Carolyn never had to stop working during this treatment! She also works on a daily basis without pain! Carolyn now tells everyone that she runs into with any type of lumbar or cervical pain to see Dr. Busch first before trying any type of treatment.

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