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Billy has no more Neuropathy pain thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol

I have always been very active in my life with baseball. Starting with little league and even playing through college as the star pitcher. As I became older I joined a softball league for men that are 55 years old and over. It began to be very difficult to run the bases, I was losing my stability and my feet and hands were beginning to have sharp pains and burning sensations. This made it hard to play the sport that I have loved for so long.

A friend of mine told me of the Neuropathy Protocol™ that he was receiving at the Busch Chiropractic Center. I immediately gave them a call to schedule an appointment. Dr. Busch and his staff were so friendly, helpful, and efficient. Within only a couple weeks of treatment, I was able to notice significant improvement in my feet. I no longer have constant burning, numbness in my feet and hands. I am so glad I called the Busch Chiropractic Center; I can finally get back to enjoying what I love.

in General

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