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4 Useful Tips for a Healthy Spine

You may not think about your spine often, but it's safe to say that it's one of the most complex structures in the human body. For support alone, it needs over 120 muscles, over 100 joints, and over 200 ligaments. It can also handle hundreds of pounds of pressure at a time during our daily activities.

In other words, our spine does a lot for us, so it's important to take great care of it!

There are plenty of small things you can do in your day-to-day life to support a healthy spine. Let's take a look at four of our top tips for spinal health.

1. Get Some Rest

Allowing your spine to truly rest during your eight hours of sleep is essential for your spine health. Curling yourself into twisted positions can give your spine little opportunity to heal from the stress and force you've placed on it during the day.

Instead, make sure you're sleeping in the best positions for spine health, which include the back or the side. If needed, place pillows under your knees for back sleepers or between the knees for side sleepers, as this can offer support for your lower spine. If you have neck or upper back issues, sleeping with a cervical pillow can help as well.

2. Stretch and Strengthen Your Muscles

Your spine relies on a number of muscles throughout your body for strength and support. Exercising these muscles can offer natural pain relief.

Focus on your core muscles, meaning the muscles in your abs and lower back, to reduce pressure on your spine. You should also focus on stretching your hamstrings and strengthening your arms, which can help with upper back pain.

The best exercises for pain will depend on the source of your back pain, so consider reaching out to an expert for help with a workout regimen.

3. Practice Good Posture

We know it's easier said than done, but practicing good posture is one of the most essential components of spine health.

Make it easy to practice good posture by considering the ergonomics of any area where you spend a great deal of time. For many of us, this will be a desk, but frequent drivers will also want to optimize the seat of their car as well.

4. Keep Moving

When it comes to your back health, motion is lotion. Frequent breaks and movements can help keep the joints of your spine flexible instead of stiff.

Whether you're at your desk, sitting on the sofa, or driving in your car for long periods, be sure to take breaks when you can. Perform basic range of motion exercises to bend and stretch your body.

Support a Healthy Spine

Maintaining a healthy spine isn't as hard as it sounds as long as you have a few habits and routines in place. From tweaking your sleeping position to setting a timer for breaks, a few easy switches can help you better support your spine health in no time.

Want to ensure you're doing all you can for your back? The Busch Chiropractic team is here to help. Contact us today for assistance via chiropractic care and much more.

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