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Another patient avoids surgery with the DRS Protocol

Vanessa had been to her doctor many times for low back pain and for the pain into her buttock. He would simply tell her she was having sciatic pain and give her some medications for the pain and inflammation and send her on her way. When it got to the point that she was in pain most of the time she decided something more had to be done. Vanessa saw an advertisement for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and decided it might be worth a call.

After an exam with Dr. Busch not only did she have sciatic pain but she was also suffering from a low back injury, Vanessa was shocked.  She had been suffering from a bulging disc that had been pressing on her nerves causing her pain.  Immediately she thought she was going to have to surgery but much to her surprise she was wrong. Her pain could be fixed without surgery!

In the first few weeks of her treatment with the DRS Protocol娪 she began to see improvements. Her pain was becoming less intense and less frequent. By the end of her treatment, Vanessa was able to say she was pain free and was very thankful for getting her life back.

in General, Testimonials

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